New Mexico

The ministry on the Navajo Nation Reservation in New Mexico is one of the oldest ministries of Open Door Missions (ODM). In 2000, Pastor Danny Pitts, one of the founding members of Open Door Missions, began a new ministry among the Navajo people with the Begay family. Many members of the Begay family were involved in ministry on the reservation and invited Brother Danny and Open Door Missions to join in ministry among the Navajo people. Many Navajos were resistant to the ministry of the white people because it did not last due to the extensive poverty there. It took ODM five years to gain the Navajo’s trust and to partner with us in ministry. They have almost unlimited spiritual, physical and building needs. There are many ministry opportunities including evangelizing the Good News of our Lord and Savior to the people!

Building Projects
Brother Danny and Lighthouse Baptist Church in Monroe, Louisiana, were the first to go and build a new church building for them. Later ODM partnered with Mesa Baptist Church in Shiprock, New Mexico, which is on the reservation. Our partnership with Mesa Baptist Church has lasted since 2005.
We have helped with performing home repairs for people in the community and expanded the church two times.

Shoebox Ministry
One of the biggest ministries we do there is the Christmas Shoebox Ministry, led by Brother Marc Taylor of Ruston, Louisiana. Each year on the day after Thanksgiving, Brother Marc and a group of volunteers load up the trucks and trailers with Shoeboxes for the children of all ages and head to New Mexico. A number of churches donate these shoeboxes full of little toys and we gather them and deliver them to the Navajo Churches and Schools. The church leading this ministry in gathering these Shoeboxes is Cook Baptist Church in Ruston, Louisiana, where Brother Taylor is a member.
If you are interested in preparing Shoeboxes or donating funds where
more Shoeboxes can be prepared and delivered, you may go to our donation page and give a donation to the New Mexico Ministry. Also if your church would like to prepare Shoeboxes or even go on a mission trip there to help deliver the Shoeboxes to the children, please call Brother Marc Taylor at 318-548-6006 or email him at for information. Below you can find a list of items we recommend to go in the containers. We use the plastic containers that are like Tupperware so they can reuse the containers.

Join us in this important work!