
Open Door Missions has been activity involved assisting the people of Malawi for many years. Despite being a poor nation, Malawi currently hosts close to 40,000 refugees. Most refugees come from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
The largest refugee camp in Malawi is Dzaleka located in the Dowa District, approximately 31 miles from Lilongwe, the capital city. Dzaleka was established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1994 in response to a surge of forcibly displaced people fleeing genocide, violence and wars in Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Open Door Missions works with pastors, churches and schools at the camp. We assist with the needs of the pastors and school headmasters.

Donate to Specific Projects
If you are interested in donating to the Malawi Specific Designated Projects to assist the Malawi people, your support will help with improving their daily lives. A contribution in any amount is greatly appreciated! You can also make a general contribution toward the work in Malawi or other countries on our support page.

Providing Electricity, Goats, and Bibles
In 2018, Open Door Missions donated two solar power projectors, one in Nsanje and the other one was donated to Integrity Family Church, Dzaleka Refugee Camp. The “Jesus Film” is played for the people in the villages and camp up to three times a week. Hundreds of people watch this movie each time it is shown! This was a huge outreach success! Our Lord’s Good News of salvation is delivered to villages throughout
Malawi, including Mzuzu Prison. Also, Bibles were distributed in Chichewa, the language of Malawi, and Swahili, the prominent language in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp.
Open Door Missions has developed and instituted a livestock program in Malawi and Mozambique. The Goat Project was developed and established with 30 goats (10 goats each in the northern, central and southern districts). In a span of only three years, there are now over 1,200 goats in 50 different locations throughout Malawi!

Join us in this important work!