
Our ministry in the Ukraine began over 20 years ago but the last five years have seen significant change. With the support of Russia, a group of independents loyal to Russia have taken over the Eastern Side of the Nation and currently occupy it. The purpose of this was for Russia to have access to the Black Sea and for them to have a land bridge from Russia to the coast. The area they confiscated is where we had based our ministry for the past 20 years. Now we have had to move out of this area I will call Eastern Ukraine into the unoccupied territory and begin new ministries there. We are helping a few churches that already exist but also helping plant some new churches in that area.


The Future of the Ministry

The future of ministry there involves transporting food and medicines into the occupied territory and going in to meet with those still living in that area. Our pastor/missionary travels into the area to meet with them and lead Bible Study and minister to their needs. Any financial support for these people will be used to provide for them the things they can not get inside. We also hope to help build some new churches outside of the occupied territory. Please help by praying and giving to these causes.

The Future of the Ministry

The future of ministry there involves transporting food and medicines into the occupied territory and going in to meet with those still living in that area. Our pastor/missionary travels into the area to meet with them and lead Bible Study and minister to their needs. Any financial support for these people will be used to provide for them the things they can not get inside. We also hope to help build some new churches outside of the occupied territory. Please help by praying and giving to these causes.

Join us in this important work!